This guide will instruct how to add a LoRaWAN device into Easy LoRaWAN Cloud.

1. Device profile

Step 1.1: To go to LoRaWAN Server and create a Device-profile for each LoRaWAN device type

  • LoRaWAN devices with the same type will need only one Device-profile.
  • LoRaWAN MAC Verion 1.0.4 and LoRaWAN Regional Parameters RP002-1.0.3 are recommended.
  • Class A is for LoRaWAN nodes with battery. Class C is for LoRaWAN nodes with main power. Class B is seldom used.
  • Codec is generally provided by LoRaWAN manufacturers. You may find them in this codec repository.

Step 1.2: To set General settings

Step 1.3: To set Class A for LoRaWAN devices with battery and Class C for LoRaWAN devices with main power.

  • For 8-channel gateway, check “”Device support OTAA”. Usually, OTAA is used.
  • For single channel gateway, uncheck “Device support OTAA”.

Step 1.4: Codec is used to encode/decode sensor uplinks and command downlinks.

2. Application

Step 2.1: To create an Application

One application can have multiple LoRaWAN Devices from different device-profiles.

Step 2.2: You can skip this step, Easy LoRaWAN Cloud will automatically do the integration for you.

  • You can add the extra Integration only if you want to link to external systems outside Easy LoRaWAN Cloud.

3. Device

Step 3.1: To get device information. The device information is generally printed in the device box.

  • For OTAA, to get Device EUI, App Key and Net Key. This is usually in use.
  • For ABP (non-OTAA), to get Device EUI, AppSKey and NetSKey.

Step 3.2: To add a Device into Application

  • We need to select the appropriate Device-profile for the device in Step 2.1.
  • We check “Disable frame-counter validation” during testing phase.

Step 3.3: Application key is App Key from Step 4.1.

  • Most of the time, MSB is used.

Step 3.4: If the device uses OTAA, the bellow fields are automatically generated when the device joins the cloud successfully.

Step 3.5: If there is traffic in LoRaWAN Frames, the device uploads successfully to the cloud via the gateway.

Step 3.6: You can go to Events, check for up packet and look for data field.


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How about other LoRaWAN devices in the market?
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