This guide will instruct you to create a DIY LoRaWAN node using ESP32, RFM95 module and RadioLib.
- The guide is applicable to all ESP32 variant and RFM95 module with minor difference.
- The guide uses ESP32 Dev Module and RFM95 for 915/923Mhz.
- The node will support LoRaWAN 1.1.0, Class A and uplink/downlink feature. LoRaWAN 1.0.x is still backward supported. Class B and C are not supported yet.
- Product link: ESP32 and RFM95. AIThinker Ra01/02/01h is supported too.
- Source code: From Easy LoRaWAN.
ESP32 Dev Module:
HopeRF RFM95
AI-Thinker ra01/02/01h
Step 1: To wire LoRa module to ESP32 as below
- LORA_SS 25 // Must have pull up resistor
- LORA_SCK 18 // Default SCK for VSPI in ESP32
- LORA_MOSI 23 // Default MOSI for VSPI in ESP32
- LORA_MISO 19 // Default MISO for VSPI in ESP32
- LORA_DIO0 26
- LORA_DIO1 35
- LORA_DIO2 34
Step 2: Install softwares and libraries
- To install Arduino IDE at here
- To add Arduino support for ESP32: here
- To install UART driver: Check section B2 here
Step 3: To import RadioLib library
Step 4: To download source code at the top of the guide
Step 5: To modify GPIOs to fit your board wiring in config.h
- To use SX1276 for EU868, US915, AU915, AS923, AS923_2, AS923_3 and AS923_4
- To use Sx1278 for CN470
Step 6: To change your JOIN_EUI, APP_KEY, NWK_KEY and Region
Step 7: Upload the code to the node
Step 8: To configure your gateways and LoRaWAN server
- You need to configure your commercial LoRaWAN gateways or your DIY LoRaWAN gateways.
- You need to add your LoRaWAN gateway and node to LoRaWAN server or Easy LoRaWAN Cloud in QuickStart guides.
Step 9: After step 8, you can see the node sending uplink data to server and receiving downlink data from the server.
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