This guide will help to configure remote control for a Dragino gateway.

Remote.It is supported on the following Dragino devices:

  • Firmware version 5.4.1632916986 or higher
  • Device models: LG01N, OLG01N (Note: LG01-P, LG01-S does not support), LG02, OLG02, LG308, DLOS8, LSP8, LIG16, MS14 series (If installed with the same firmware.)
  • Mobile app: on iOS and Android

You will need:

  • A Remote.It account. Sign up here:
  • Login and access to the web UI of the Dragino via browser on the local network

Step 1:  Access the web UI of a Dragino device using a web browser on the local network. (When required to login, login as root.) Navigate to System>Remote.It.

Step 2: Click the “Install” button on the page. When finished, the Status section will update to show installation complete. You will need your Remote.It license key for this next step.

Step 3:  Sign in to Remote.It and get your license key. Click on the avatar, then “Account” and then “Licensing”.

Step 4: Enter/paste the license key into the Dragino gateway page Bulk ID Code/License Key field and Save. The status message will update from “Installation complete” to “Remoteit is installed”.

Step 5: Click “Register”. Both status messages will update when complete.

Step 6: Go back to the Remote.It web portal and click devices. You may have to click the “refresh” icon to update the view (see image).

  • Note: The device name in Remote.It is the hostname. You can see the hostname at the bottom of the Dragino gateway page.

Step 7: Click on your Dragino device, click “+” (Add service) on the device detail.

  • ‍Provide a name, port, and service host address (Defaults are provided for most services). Only override default ports if you have assigned a different port for this service on your device.
  • For example, you may want to allow Remote.It access to the Dragino gateway webpage. In this case, select HTTP.
  • Repeat for all required services.

Step 8: Connect

  • Select the service you would like to create a Remote.It connection and click “Connect”.
  • You can now use this connection address in an application such as terminal, VNC viewer or a browser.
  • When you are done with the connection, click “Stop Connection”


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And I’m thinking to have LoRaWAN server on cloud too.

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